Three Rs of Character Development - Lesson Guide


This free lesson guide is anchored on three core principles: Respect, Relationship, and Readiness. Each principle has suggestions to cover various facets essential for young athletes' holistic growth and character development, not just in their sports but in life.

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I am excited to share with you a guide I've developed on teaching character development. The concepts are specifically designed to foster meaningful discussions on character development among student-athletes.

This guide is anchored on three core principles: Respect, Relationship, and Readiness. Each principle is elaborated to cover various facets essential for the holistic growth of young athletes, not just in their sports but in life.

  • Respect dives into the essence of valuing oneself, understanding the importance of purpose, showing empathy and fairness towards others, acknowledging authority, and building respectful relationships across all interactions.

  • Relationships emphasize the importance of forming and nurturing connections with oneself, one's inner circle, teammates, opponents, coaches, parents, and even critics. They also highlight the role of effective communication and trust in developing a strong character.

  • Readiness focuses on the mental and emotional preparation required for student-athletes, covering areas such as goal-setting, time management, resilience, coachability, and maintaining composure under pressure.

I encourage you to use this guide as a foundation for creating short lessons or discussion points throughout the year. The aim is to initiate meaningful conversations that resonate with your athletes, helping them to understand and apply these principles in their daily lives and sporting endeavors.

Character development is a continuous journey, and your role in guiding young athletes through this process cannot be overstated. By integrating discussions on respect, relationships, and readiness into your coaching, you're shaping better athletes and contributing to the development of well-rounded individuals.

Please feel free to adapt this guide to fit your team's unique needs and circumstances. I am confident that these discussions will enrich your athletes' character development journey and lay a strong foundation for their future successes, both on and off the field.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to nurturing the next generation of athletes. I look forward to hearing about your experiences and successes in using this guide as part of your coaching strategy!

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